Guardian Home Program


Guardian Home Program

Rose Country Labradoodles on occasion will hold back a pup or purchase a pup from another breeder that has exceptional qualities and traits that we require to continue and enhance our breeding program. We believe that by placing a pup with a guardian family for free the pup will live as a much loved family member and receive the attention and care that a dog deserves.


To qualify for the Guardian Home Program applicants must live within an hour driving distance of our home in Red Deer. They must also be able to fulfill the obligations in our Guardian Home Program contract (available on request). We will require the pup to come back to Rose Country for short periods so they can be assessed or have required tests done to meet the ALAA standards. And of course the breeding process. Males usually come back for a period of 2-7 days to breed. A female will come back for the 2-7 days to breed and then again for 7-8 wks to whelp and nuture her puppies. After your dog has fulfilled the requirements in the Guardian Home Program contract, Rose Country Labradoodles will pay to spay/neuter your dog.

Required Litters

Females in the program will be allowed to have up to 4 litters once they have completed testing and standards have been met.

Costs Associated with Breeding

Any medical costs related to the breeding are the sole responsibility of Rose Country Labradoodles. All other routine maintenance and medical costs ie: food, vaccinations other medical costs from injury or sickness and grooming are the responsibility of the Guardian owner.

Available Dogs

Rose Country Labradoodles places both male and female pups and sometimes young adult dogs in guardian homes. We offer 3 sizes, miniature, medium and standard and a variety of colors.

Rose Country Labradoodles would like to thank each and every person and family that participates in this unique and wonderful program.